Posts in self care retreat
Action for Mental Health at Work

Government, employers, the organizations which represent workers and employers, and other stakeholders responsible for workers’ health and safety can help to improve mental health at work through action to:

  • prevent work-related mental health conditions by preventing the risks to mental health at work;

  • protect and promote mental health at work;

  • support workers with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in work; and

  • create an enabling environment for change.

Action to address mental health at work should be done with the meaningful involvement of workers and their representatives, and persons with lived experience of mental health conditions.

How does fitness improve mental health?

Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal.

When you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference.

Exercise helps prevent and improve a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. Research on depression, anxiety and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Day 2 Retreat

Day 2 DBC Health Retreat

Started the day with water & lemon followed by poached egg and avocado on rye with green juice.

Set out on a 2 hour coastal walk from old town puerto del carnen to puerto calero.

Lunch mushroom noodles then relaxed in the 28 degree sun around the pool, icy smoothie spinach frozen banana & chia. Pool circuits, Ab blast.

Healthy mushroom noodles

Dinner black bean emchiladas. Sleepy heads bed 9.30pm

Day 1Retreat

Great start to our April Retreat

Guests arrived midday, welcomed with Green Juice, ginger ahot and fresh baked banana cake.

Lunch Sweet potato salad followed by relaxation around the pool in the 28 degree Canarian sunshine.

Pilates around the pool before dinner

Green power soup starter, main Aubergine steaks

A little mindfulness and laughs before bed.

Cant wait for tomorrow!

#ladiesretreat #fitnessholiday #boutiqueretreat #affordableretreat #dbchealthretreat #sandydonnelly #selfcare #day1 #detox

6 Signs you need a Retreat

I developed DBC Health Retreats 13 years ago, and it changed my life! It opened me up to new ways of living, starting from a place of wellness & empowerment.

I love retreats, mainly for the self-development aspect – you get to spend focused time on you. Helping my guests regain balance and get on track. Find out what’s working, what’s not. A retreat is the perfect environment for that.

On retreat, you experience little shifts & a whole lot of relaxation. When you’re relaxed, that’s when inspiration can most easily get through to you. You know – that lovely feeling of connection, knowing and gentle pulling towards something that will improve your overall wellbeing.

There are a  variety of retreats to choose from, depending on your needs!

  • Health Detox Cleanse

  • Pilates/Yoga

  • Healing

  • Self Love

  • Meditation

  • Self Development

So, are you wondering if a retreat can help you right now? Let’s see how many of these you say ‘yes’ to…

6 Signs you need a Retreat

  1. Constantly feel tired.

  2. Regularly experience Anxiety

  3. Bored, fed up of life/work

  4. Dream of a better life, job, lifestyle

  5. Burn out, lacking energy, motivation

  6. Feel disconnected

Is Stress Impacting Your Mental Health?

Do you feel stress is negatively impacting your physical and mental wellbeing?

Many situations can cause a stress response in the body. Changes at work, illness, accidents, problems with relationships, family, money or housing can all cause stress. Even seemingly small daily hassles like someone pushing in a queue can make us feel stressed. What links all these situations is that we’re unable to predict and control what is happening to us, and so our body goes into a state of increased alertness. And these events can happen all the time - triggering the body’s stress response over and over again.

When the stress response becomes prolonged (chronic), it has a very different effect to the short bursts that enhance the body’s abilities. In many cases, the system controlling the stress response is no longer able to return to its normal state. Attention, memory, and the way we deal with emotions are negatively impacted. This long-term stress can contribute to both physical and mental illness through effects on the heart, immune and metabolic functions, and hormones acting on the brain.

Some of the emotional and behavioural symptoms of stress overlap with those of mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. This can make it hard to distinguish where one begins and the other ends, or which came first. Someone who is stressed may feel worried, down, unable to concentrate or make decisions, irritable and angry.

DBC Health Retreats release tension and recharge with a healthy plant based diet, fresh juices, hiking, pilates and plenty of rest.

More details

Good Mental Health

When we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our life and environment, and the people in it. We can be creative, learn, try new things, and take risks. We are better able to cope with difficult times in our personal and professional lives.

Poor mental health makes us more vulnerable to certain physical health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Nurturing our mental health can also help prevent the development of mental illnesses. Good mental health helps us have a more positive outlook and enjoy our lives more.

When you do physical activity your brain releases endorphins which help to lift your mood and also give you energy. Regular exercise can also help you to sleep better and feel more at one with yourself.

Burnout Recovery Retreat

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

Many of us have experienced burnout and its debilitating effects on the mind and body.

Support Self care in your life by attending a 4 night Retreat DBC Health Retreats nurture your body mind and soul

Recharge, Rest and Reset

Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful. Eventually, you may feel like you have nothing more to give. The negative effects of burnout spill over into every area of life—including your home, work, and social life.

Join us 26-30 April in the warm Canary Island sun

#burnout #burnoutprevention #stressmanagement #stressrelief #hr #csr #csrinitiative

Self Care Ladies Retreat

Self Care Retreat 26-30th April

Nourish your Body Mind & Soul woth oprional wine!

Do as much or as little as you wish, plenty of relaxation in the sun. The most affordable retreat.

£580 - Shared room

£780 - Private room

Bring a friend £1000 for 2.