Posts tagged be nice
Be Kind

Millions of Christians all over the world will be marking the start of an important period of time on 22 February 2023 - the festival of Lent.

That is because it is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent in Western Christian churches.

DBC Health Retreats

Maybe a little abstinence will do me some good.

By mid-February, our New Year's resolutions are ancient history. Along comes Ash Wednesday and, well, it's like a reprieve. We get a second chance to discipline some weakness or form a new habit. Another opportunity to improve our flagging self-respect!

During Lent, many people decide to give something up that they love - perhaps chocolate, sweets or even using social media.

Others might decide to take up something, like helping out more with chores at home or making an effort to do nice things for their family and friends.

So let’s be kind and better people.

1. Smile and be positive

2. Acknowledge other people

3. Be a good listener

4. Be courteous, polite and helpful

5. Smile

6. Practice empathy

7. Never speak ill of others when they aren't around.

8. Be humble

9. Be sincere

10. Offer forgiveness


#benice #selfdiscipline #bekind